Unable to upgrade IBM Content Navigator to FP5
During a “simple” upgrade of IBM Content Navigator 2.0.3FP2 to FP5 one of my colleagues (Dave) ran into an error even before the installation started.
The error stated that the required version of ICN wasn’t installed on the current system.
After some googling he found the following technote: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21508741
The technote is not related to ICN but the installation of FP5 for ICN also uses the InstallAnywhere application so the .com.zerog.registry.xml should be available on the system as well.
The next step was to see if the file existed in /var or in home/ which was not the case. Fortunately we had another environment that was setup the same way (same OS, install paths, versions,…) where the file was available.
Finally he copied the file to the system and verified the file access for the user used to install all components of Connections.