Speaking at IBM Connect 2016
After my first appearance in 2014 with Klaus Bild, I will be back speaking at IBM Connect 2016. Double the amount of sessions, other partner in crime. This time I will be co-presenting with Stefano Pogliani.
AD-1317 : Rock the ActivityStream API
Session Type : Technical Breakout
Date/Time : Tue, 02-Feb, 04:00 PM-05:00 PM
Venue : Hilton Orlando
Room : Florida 5
AD-1316 : Enrich your IBM Connections profiles by extending the profiles data model
Session Type : Technical Breakout
Date/Time : Wed, 03-Feb, 08:00 AM-09:00 AM
Venue : Hilton Orlando
Room : Florida 5
I really look forward to it and hope you can make it to our sessions