Tagged: ibm

Speaking at IBM Think in San Francisco

I’ll be traveling to San Francisco in a week and a half to attend and speak at IBM Think 2019. I have a session together with the incredible Martin Donnelly.Our session will be on...

IBM Champion 2019

I am very pleased to announce I have been elected IBM Champion for 2019. This is my 6th consecutive year as an IBM Champion. I am very honoured to be part of this select...

IBM Think 2018, my thoughts

Back from Vegas a couple of days now, adjusted to the time difference and Summer time (almost). Time to reflect on the week I spent at Think. Was it worth it? did I learn...

Leaving for IBM Think 2018

Today I am leaving home to travel to Vegas for IBM Think. With a short stop in Stockholm to pickup Maria.First time in Vegas for me and first time to a conference bigger than...

Speaking at IBM Connect 2016

After my first appearance in 2014 with Klaus Bild, I will be back speaking at IBM Connect 2016. Double the amount of sessions, other partner in crime. This time I will be co-presenting with...

IBM Champion 2016

Yesterday evening I received a mail from IBM stating the following: Congratulations, you’re an IBM Champion! On behalf of IBM, it is with great pleasure that I invite you to join the IBM Champion...